How It Works?

Our MVP program is a chance for us to show you how truly grateful we are for your business and support, but more importantly the faith you have placed in us to help those closest to you! Our monthly program is a place where we can shower you all with monthly gift offerings, exclusive offers, and invite you to fun events!


There are two levels to the MVP Program. In the first level, everyone will receive a monthly email with the “Offer of the Month.” If it’s something you are interested in receiving, then you simply email or call me back to reserve your gift as soon as you can since most often, there will be a limit on how many can be claimed. This is NOT a drawing and there is no criteria for you to claim the gift!

What if you do get us a referral or decide to do business with us as an MVP? 

Once we connect with your referral, you shoot up to the second level which is...DRUM ROLL PLEASE.....MVP All Stars level!!! As an All Star, you’ll get your own Chiesl and Marelly MVP Starbucks card with $10 on it. BUT it doesn’t stop there! You’ll also have $10 automatically loaded on your card every month following the referral date for 6 months! Your free coffee can keep extending for years as long as you send us at least one referral every 6 months! And what if you don’t get us another referral in those next 6 months? Not to worry, you’ll still be an MVP and have access to all the first level fun! You can always become an All Star again at any time!

What is a referral you ask? 

It is NOT us selling anyone a house! It’s simply you getting permission from the person who told you they were thinking of buying or selling a house, to give us their name and number so we can call them and set an appointment to meet! It doesn’t matter if we get them under contract and it doesn’t matter if we close their transaction. How easy is that?

Did we mention that all of this is FREE? This great partnership not only offers free gifts, events, and exclusive offers monthly for you to claim at no cost but it also rewards you for going the extra mile and referring business to us. This isn’t a monthly subscription requesting a fee or bombarding you with emails, this is an exclusive partnership where we can show you how much we appreciate you showing us the love!